Special Listening Diary: News Story#9

April 3, 2021

    Hiya! Welcome to the special listening diary of Johanna the Elephant.🐘 This blog will be about bullying that happens in Australia. The news is found on SBS News in Dept in Google Podcast, entitled "A Third of Australian Teenagers are Suffering Discrimination" (https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zYnMuY29tLmF1L3Nicy13b3JsZC1uZXdzLXJhZGlv/episode/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb21lZGlhLXNicy5ha2FtYWl6ZWQubmV0L2VuZ2xpc2hfN2RjNzZmZjEtMDI0MS00M2E4LTkxZDEtMjBmMjNjMzhkZmY3Lm1wMw?sa=X&ved=0CA8QkfYCahcKEwiYzpnqpOHvAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ). It is presented by Gareth Boreham. Now, let's go to the summary⇩

Bullying and Discrimination

    Many Australian teenagers receive discrimination based on their appearance. Besides that, some of them receive racial discrimination. Bullying can impact mental health and behaviour. Several teenagers are reported to have depression symptoms, anxiety, and more likely to injure themselves or suicide.


    I believe this case happens not only in Australia but also in other countries. There are many teenagers around the world who have experienced bullying. In my opinion, the key to survive from bullying is ourselves. If we believed their comments about us, it would be stressful. Thus, we should start to believe and love ourselves. Like what us being told on the news, we should celebrate ourselves for who we are.

    In this news story, I did not find any new words.

    Since this is a special blog, I have something to show you.

Depression Comes from the Crowd
    On the picture above, I drew a scene when a girl is being bullied by several of her school mates and crowd that is watching her. As you can see, the girl is depressed by the situation. She is not only depressed by the five schoolmates, but also the crowd because no one is trying to help her.

    How's the special listening diary? I apologize, because I am not good with art(s).😅 Before I end the blog, I would like to remind you to love yourself and stop bullying. Thank you for reading my blog. See you!🐘


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