Listening Diary: Feature Video#1

April 15, 2021

    Hiya! Welcome to another listening diary of Johanna the Elephant!🐘 Today's blog will be about a princess that I watched on Thursday. The video is entitled "The Princess Who Rewrote History"👑 on TED-Ed, which is a YouTube channel ( It is presented by Leonora Neville.  Now, let's check the summary!⬇⬇
Anna Komnene from The Princess Who Rewrote History

    Anna Komnene, a princess of Byzantine, wrote a 500-page history of her father, called The Alexiad. She wrote it nearly 60 years later in the last decade of her life. Writing the history made her conscious to balance her loyalty. Moreover, she not only wrote the history, but also her reactions, criticism, an opinions.


    I think this story could inspire many women who like to write. We can take a lesson from when the princess secretly learned Greek to be able to write a historical book. Also, a 15-year-old girl was already married?! Wow...😱 It rarely happens nowadays. Besides that, it was my first time hearing the story so that it gained my interest if I could find the book.


    Through this video, I learned several new words, such as: comrades, raiders, frontiers, excursions, merits, and tumultuous.

    This is the end of the blog, I hope you enjoy reading it. I suggest you to watch the feature clip on YouTube or by clicking the link on the first paragraph. Stay safe and healthy. See you!🐘


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