Special Listening Diary: News Story#6

March 20, 2021

    Hiya! The special blog of Johanna the Elephant is here!🐘 In this blog, I would like to share what is being concerned in South Korea. I watched this news clip on BBC YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/ggYIsnUgUdU). This news is presented by Stacey Dooley. Let's read the summary.⇓

    These days, spycams are booming in South Korea. They are mostly found in love motels and placed in the room's furniture. The most terrible thing is, some of the cameras are installed for live streams. They record every gesture that happens in the motel's room.

    What a criminal! The places to install the cameras are very unpredictable. I believe that no one will find those spycams easily if they do not search them thoroughly. This case can trigger some people to be traumatized.

    On this news clip, I found two new words, they are: sinister and utterly. Now, to make this blog special, I would create three different people with different backgrounds to give their opinions about this case.⇩

The first interviewee is Mr. Kim Joon Hee, a general manager of a motel in South Korea.

"I have ever told by one of my costumer that in her bedroom is installed a camera. From that day, I always remind my staffs to check and recheck every room. I really hope that this kind of thing can stop getting worse to prevent disadvantage for the motels and the costumers."

Next, an Indonesian psychiatrist that lives in Seoul, Dr. Hanna Setiani.

"This case is included as sexual harassment. It can make the victims trauma and cause depression. The worst estimation is causing suicide."

Lastly, a college student, Lee Sun Hyun.

"If it ever happened to me, then I would think that my life is over. Knowing that your uncovered body is being filmed and watched with many people can kill that person slowly."

    How was it? I apologize if there is one or two same names with your relatives or anyone you know. That were my opinions about the spycams, how about you?🐘 


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