Listening Diary: News Story#5

March 19, 2021

    Hiya! Welcome to another listening diary of Johanna the Elephant!🐘 On Friday, I watched NBC Nightly News on NBC News YouTube channel about migrant children ( presented by Garrett Haake. Now, let's have a look on the summary.⇓

Border Patrols
    There were 4,276 unaccompanied migrant children according to NBC News' data. Also, nearly 3,000 children had been held beyond the legal limit for three days. The children rarely saw the sun and the sound of crying was all over the place. Thus, people blamed President Biden for this.

    For me, it would be hard for the children to be seperated with their parents. They could have been afraid. However, I am confused why they were held on by the border patrols alone. In the clip, there is a kid who crossed the border with her aunt but ended up being left alone. I think that this case should be handled as soon as possible.

    From this news clip, I got to know a new word, "detain".

    This is the end of the blog, I hope you enjoy reading them. Let's stay healthy and safe. See you on the special blog!🐘


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