Special Listening Diary: Short Story#3

Watched on February 20, 2021

    Hiya! Welcome to the special Listening Log, written by Johanna the Elephant!🐘 In this unusual blog, I choose to share a horror short film by Justin Staggs. The short film is entitled “Dual”. You can search this film at ALTER (YouTube channel) or https://youtu.be/Fv-MoOhVhqU. Now, let’s find out how scary it is!👻


    It is about a boy who has two imaginary friends, a bear and a clown. The bear’s name is Captain Beasly, and the clown is Mr. Pinky. They are kind of protecting the kid from anyone who wants to hurt him. Doctors try to cure him, but they are killed by the kid’s “friends”.


    This is a scary and full of blood film. I am impressed by the boy’s natural acting. Also, how the doctors are killed in different ways. My favorite scene is when the doctor tries to calm the kid with injection. Her right hand is separated with the injection that is stuck on a wall. It looks natural and real.

    Now, I am going to imagine being the main character. If I were the kid, I would be happy to have imaginary friends. However, I would also be afraid. I would go to a priest or an exorcist. It would be dangerous if they killed people around me.🔪🔪

    How was the special blog? I hope it is not boring. Haha. If you are curious to watch the whole short film, I have attached the source link on the first paragraph. Also, feel free to share another good horror short film. See ya!🐘


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