Listening Diary: Short Story#5

Listened on February 27, 2021

    Hiya! Welcome to Johanna the Elephant!🐘 On Friday, I listened to a short horror story on YouTube. This short story is entitled “5 Minute Dating” by Deformed Lunchbox ( Now, let’s read the summary!👇

5 Minute Dating

    There is a man with hideous face who attends a speed-dating event, and no one wants to be his partner. Then, he meets a woman who has the same face as his. He asks her to have a dinner with him, and an unexpected thing happens. He kills and eats her.


    It is interesting that the ending of the story is not predicted. At first, I did not think that the man is a cannibal. Moreover, the makeup looks really scary and real. Nevertheless, it is a shame that the beginning of the story is a bit boring. No jump scares or thrilling music to build the tension.

    Well, that was my opinion. If you are curious to watch and listen to the story, I have attached the link in the first paragraph. As usual, feel free to drop a comment about the movie or my blog. See you!🐘


  1. This is creepy, Jo. But you make me curious and I also want to listen to the story too. Haha.


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