Listening Diary: Children Short Story#1

Listened on February 3, 2021

    ALOHA! Johanna the Elephant is back!🐘 After several months, now I am back with Listening Diary that will share my listening activities. In this blog, I will share one of my childhood story entitled "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" from Pinkfonk! Kids' Songs and Stories ( This story caught my attention because of its moral value. Are you curious about the story? Here is the summary.⏬

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    There is a cute little girl with golden hair named Goldilocks. She sees a small empty house in a forest. Inside the house, Goldilocks eats a bowl of porridge and accidentally breaks a small chair. This golden hair girl even sleeps on one of the beds. After a while, three bears enter their house and see Goldilocks. They get angry and kick her out!

    How is the story? πŸ’­

    Well, I do not like how Goldilocks acts. She should mind her manners while she is in other people's houses. I think the three bears should have locked the door, so no one will enter their house. Fortunately, the background music and the intonation of the storyteller make the story more enjoyable.

    Throughout this story, we can take a lesson. We should behave anywhere in any situation, otherwise, people will not be happy with our presence. If you want to listen to the full story, the link is attached to the first paragraph. Also, feel free to share what you have got from the story on the comment section. See you!🐘


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