Hello everyone, Johanna the Elephant is back!🐘 It has been two weeks since I posted a blog. This week, we -the Extensive Reading students- were asked to make a movie poster with a friend. I was so excited, because I had never made a movie poster based on a book. I worked with Gracia, and we picked a horror story entitled "Smee" by Alfred Burrage on English e-Reader. If you are curious with the story click https://english-e-reader.net/book/smee-alfred-burrage

This is how our poster looks like : 👻👻👻

Do you want to know more about our movie poster? Prepare you heart and check it out https://youtu.be/c6QPzjAv5Eo
What do you think? Is it creepy? Frightening? Thrilling? Comment your thoughts at the comment section. See you!🐘


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