Reading Journal #4 : Reading My First Stories on ER Central

     Hi guys! It's me, Johanna the Elephant. I really had a great time in Extensive Reading Class today. I read some stories on ER Central for the first time. So, I will share my experience and reflection about reading on ER Central. 

    I have read 3 stories on ER Central, they are "Horse Rider", "Alex and Ella", and "Going to College". For the very first story, I chose level five. Then, I challenged myself to read the level six and level seven stories. Those levels are suitable for me. I really like the stories, I enjoyed reading them, and I can understand the stories very well. It is not boring because after read you the story there is a quiz to test if you understand the story or not. I have bookmarked four stories, they are "Timothy and Mary", "Moving On", "The Pink Rabbit", and "No Friends for Me". I am planning to read them in this week because I think I became addicted in reading, it urges me to do it again and again.

    This is the end of my sharing experience and reflection about reading on ER Central. I hope you guys also increase your interest in reading because reading is very fun and enjoyable. You won't know why it is fun and enjoyable if you don't try to read. Thank you, have a great day! 


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